PRINCE2 roles - Senior user(s)
Universal Practical Simple Benefit focused Principles Implement Templates Ready apps for Jira
This role ( Senior user / Project user) is responsible to provide all project requirements & benefit KPI as role represent aggregated project users expectations. It is highly recommended to include this role to Project steering commitee. Project user(s) is responsible to report about achieved project benefits to Project steering commitee & Project owner/executive as well as to Top management post-project.
In small projects according to PRINCE2 it is good practice to merge Project user(s) with Project owner/executive into single person ( if needed ). Nevertheless in normal or big size projects these roles are recommended to be assigned to diffent persons due to always existing conflict of interest.
Essential responsabilities in the project:
No. | Responsabilities |
1 | Provide project product requirements & acceptance/quality criterias |
2 | Provide project products & benefit goals |
3 | Take leadership to represent all user interests & be precise on project requirements & needed benefits |
4 | Take leadership to ensure that created project products are used post-project |
5 | Be accountable to provide project benefit forecasts, updates & actuals that are recorded in Benefit plan |
6 | Resolve user conflicting requirements & set requirement priorities |
7 | Secure competent resources to participate in project product quality review & acceptance |
8 | Activelly participate in Project steering commitee decision making with focus to project requirements & benefits |
9 | Consult on best practices how to manage user requirements |
10 | Take leadership to start using delivered project products during project & post-project across users |
11 | Perform other duties agreed in Project steering commitee |
Majority of PRINCE2 roles :
Recommended solutions for Jira cloud:
- Advanced T Risk Manager🔺 (that is based on PRINCE2 practices) Video here & DOWNLOAD here
- Free T Risk lite app
- Free T Progress lite app